No More Leaders in Name Only

Congratulations for making the decision to take your organization's leadership to the next level. This page is designed to give you more information about our leadership assessment and development capabilities. This page also provides you direct access to multiple ways to "Let's Get Started" immediately.

#1 Best Way to "Get Started"
Schedule a meeting with Mike Husman to learn more about our leadership development capabilities and what options are available to get started with whatever best fits your specific needs, wants, desires and budget. There are just too many options to list - Mike is an expert at discovering your needs and working with you to develop a program to fit you, and/or your organization.
Your time is valuable, so Mike will gladly give his time gratis to anyone who is interested in improving Leadership capabilities for themselves, or their company.

#2 Best Way to "Get Started"
We Are Proud to Introduce This Newest
Leadership Tool - "The Prioritized Leader"
We want to help the first 50 leaders (Limit 2 per company) to improve their personal, and organizational, success coming out of this Covid-19 crisis. All you have to do is sign up for a very low investment of only $19 (A Covid-19 limited time offer - normally investment required is over $150).
This opportunity provides the leader with a short questionnaire that generates a report over 30 pages in length which can be used to develop the full Prioritized Leadership Development Program. This special also includes up a one-hour virtual private meeting with Mike to review the report.

#3 Best Way to "Get Started"
Learn your leadership strengths and weaknesses based on the 6 Leadership Styles and 18 Leadership Competencies. This is the same Leadership Assessment we use in our LINO to Leadership Development Program. Also, after you experience this assessment you will likely decide to go forward with the LINO to Leadership program designed specifically for you or your organization. If you do, your program fee will be reduced by what you paid for this service.
Only $197 until 8/30/2020
(Back to $297 on the 30th)

The EQ Leadership Event
This event is for a limited time only, and is limited to one leader per organization
This assessment blends three sciences integrated together to illustrate the impact emotional intelligence has on the leader's core behavioral styles, as well as the top drivers. The report reviews behaviors the leader brings to the job, the driving forces that drive them, and an understanding of their own emotional intelligence.
Mike Husman will meet with the leader for one hour to provide an introduction to the report. The leader can opt for Mike providing a full review of the report.
We are very proud of our services but may not be perfect, we could possibly make a mistake - unfortunately, we are human and have not been able to correct that - yet. However, until then we want you to be happy with us. Therefore, if you are not completely satisfied, for any reason, please call Mike Husman on his direct line at (803) 356-1055 so we can discuss what you are not happy about, and together figure out how we can make it right.

We Do Not Provide Seminars or Lectures - We Believe They Are A Complete Waste of
Time and Money
When it comes to the development of leadership, we believe the best way to learn and develop leadership is one-on-one. That is the reason we provide all of our Leadership training and development either through working one-on-one with a single person, or a workshop setting with only a few people (usually no more than 7 - which works well for a leadership team).
We designed our intense workshops around our 7 Step proprietary development process for transforming a LINO to a leader. Since our clients are mostly - business owners, and business leaders - we asked them what they wanted and then designed our workshops around their wants and needs. Here are their most important demands and what we did to design the best workshop for our clients:
"If I spend time on a workshop it has to have value worth my time." To get the highest value and ROI we knew we could not design our workshops like other workshops. Normal workshops provide information and methods, but really don't help much with application. Application of the information and methods is where the high ROIs and value are produced, and normal workshops fail woefully at this due to most attendees receiving the information and then go back to the office and never apply this information.
"Make this easy on my schedule." To accomplish this we threw away the way workshops are normally delivered and schedule the workshop time according to the executive's schedule. So therefore:
No Travel - all of our workshops are held virtually. After all, we are now in the 21st century. This alone saves time and scheduling inconvenience - not to mention increased ROI due to less expense in time and travel.
Information and Education (white papers, charts, slides, videos, and etc.) are presented through a private portal that has all of the session's information all in one portal. Each week a module opens with that week's material. At the leisure of the executive, s/he reads and listens to this information the week before the upcoming session either at home or in their office. Each weekly module is designed so the executive can review the information, and perform the activity(s), in less than a few hours (or whatever fits the client's schedule).
Private Meetings - all meetings with the leadership coach are scheduled around the executive's schedule. This is where the one-on-one application to the leader's reality with h/er organization or team occurs.